Over 40 years of commitment and passion. More than 1000 meetings of which 100 in the province and 100 aimed at students. Countless conferences, 90 film showings and over 90 theatrical performances, together with concerts, exhibitions and book presentation, 28 books published.
Thousands of speakers (more than 150 foreigners) to tell the past and the present. An incredible selection of reflections and thoughts to rediscover, especially to young people, the highest values of man and the liberating power of the Christian message.

We are proud of this long-lasting adventure.

We are proud of this journey between art, culture, philosophy, civil and witnesses of spirituality to grow our awareness and that of the community in which we live, so that whatever a person does, he learns to ask not only why, but also – here is the Socratic teaching – what is the meaning.
We are proud of our autonomy and of having taken democracy and Catholic inspiration as the basic values from the beginning, as openness to the whole and its complexity, without reassuring reductionism.

In these four decades we have hosted Nobel prize-winning scientists such as Carlo Rubbia, John Eccles, Abdus Salam and Samuel C.C. Ting, writers such as Mario Pomilio and Dominique Lapierre, philosophers such as Giovanni Reale and Julia Kristeva, who concluded a series of meetings dedicated to Europe, our largest homeland.

And again men and women who generously offered us their thoughts: from the prior of Bose Enzo Bianchi to the film director Ermanno Olmi, by the judge Raffaele Cantone to Bruno Hussar, founder of Nevé Shalom, from the Protestant theologian Jürgen Moltmann to Christian Führer, promoter of the non-violent struggles that led to the fall of the Berlin Wall. And again the  Abbé Pierre, Helder Camara, Antonino Zichichi, Carlo Maria Martini, Sergio Zavoli, Romano Prodi, Domenico Quirico, Vittorio Strada, Gunter Demning and its Stolperstein, Carlo Rivolta with the scenic representations of the Platonic dialogues, and many others.

A great Soviet dissident, Andrej Siniavskij, was the protagonist of two unforgettable meetings in 1977 and in 1986, the founder of Amnesty International Peter Benenson spoke on the link between human rights and authentic peace, the Nobel Peace Prize Adolfo Perez Esquivel retraced the non-violent struggle for democracy in Latin America. It was October 16, 1985 when Simon Wiesenthal spoke to us about how international justice is a condition for peace. The halls were not enough to contain the huge crowd convened.

On October 9, 2002, the writer Svetlana Aleksievič, future Nobel Prize for Literature, presented her book Prayer for Chernobyl accompanied by the Russian singer-songwriter Elena Frolova, whose painful songs were inspired by the lyrics of great Russian poets.

Crowded theater in 2015 for the Israeli writer David Grossman, who, together with Gad Lerner, presented his book Applause in an empty scene and expressed his deepest aspirations for peace.

After more than forty years, if we look at the past, the effort of cultural animation is impressive. An effort that, we believe, has succeeded in restoring inner impetus to those who recognize themselves in the Christian message and to those who have not stopped seeking and searching for themselves.

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